Monday, March 9, 2009


Now that we've all enjoyed a little fruit, it is time for some dessert. Have a pretend cookie!


blueeyedtawni said...

those are too cute !:)

GeekByMarriage said...

Cutest edibles ever!

Anonymous said...

nom nom nom.....

GeekByMarriage said...

I didn't realize Jen lives so close to me. I'll wave to her as she goes by!

Io said...

Hells yeah I'll take a cookie!

Anonymous said...

Those are cookies? No way?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, they're pretty! I sometimes wish we did baby showers here in the UK, especially where edibles are involved. And these cookies are totally calorie free too! Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Those are so adorable. I hope Cali doesn't think they are like the edible fruit creation things that she loves so much (haha)

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm these look yummy....

-c said...

Yum. Cookies! I even brought some cake with me today that I shall eat in Cali (and Snork's) honor. Oh the sacrifice. Woo Cali!

Delenn said...


Chris and Penny said...

yum! thanks for the cookie! happy baby shower, cali!

JW Moxie said...

Since this is an imaginary cookie, I'll also pretend that eating it will make me LOSE weight instead of gain it.

AussieJenn said...

I'm a bit late for the will start with the dessert :)
How gorgeous do those cookies look hey?!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Mmmmmmmmm...those were amazingly good :-)