Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baby Pictures

Matt and I finished having our 3-D Ultrasound this morning. (It took four different tries to get enough pictures of the very stubborn baby.) Here is a link to the rest of the pictures.


Anonymous said...

SO so cute! I love her little anti-paparazi hand. or is that her Diana Ross impression?
Dang you guys made a cute baby!

Anonymous said...

I love that she flipped off the u/s tech. That is funny stuff.

maresi said...

so so sweet - what a snuggly little face!

(It's not just her giving you the bird at such a young age - Maria regularly flips me off while I'm nursing her. Perhaps it's commentary on what I had for dinner the night before and the flavor of the milk? The world may never know.)

Candi said...

HAPPY BABY SHOWER!! What a adorable baby!!

Solitaire said...

Awwwww. Lovely pictures.

andnotbysight said...

Wow, how amazing! And adorable--this is one cute baby!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

It's amazing how accurate these ultrasounds are. Once the ChickieNob and Wolvog came out, you could see how closely they resembled the clay-versions of themselves from the u/s.